Dear Colleagues,

Following the WONCA Europe Bylaws, the Nomination Committee calls for nominations for the WONCA Europe Executive Board Elections 2022-2025.

The elections will take place during the WONCA Europe Council Meeting in London on June 28th, before the opening of the 27th WONCA Europe Conference 2022, to be held from 28 June - 1 July.

Before submitting your nomination, we invite you to read the attached document to take note of the elections procedure. Only candidacies that follow the explained procedure will be considered.

If you are interested in applying for any of the positions, please submit your candidacy documents to the WONCA Europe secretariat (Ova e-maila adresa je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je vidjeli.) no later than March 28th, 2022.

With best wishes,

Prof. Dr. Shlomo Vinker
President WONCA Europe
Chair of the Nominations Committee